Book Your Next Wellness Event Now!

Mindfully Michele

Mind Body Healing

Transform Your Energy with the Power of Breathwork.

Corporate Wellness & Retreats

Connecting people together..

Ready to Jump Start Your Next Event or Retreat?

What is Somatic Breathwork?

An inward journey using your breath..

Our breath is directly connected with our Nervous System and how we respond to stress and pressure from every day life, work and obligations.

When we are stressed everything is impacted our mindset, how we process emotions, anxiety and even fatigue.

Drained employees are not productive ones. Breathwork is the solution to productivity, clarity and focus.

Somatic Breathwork is a powerful tool that reduces physical and mental stress. Using specific breathing patterns we access the Sympathetic & Parasympathetic nervous system and bring back the body into a state of peace and harmony.

Click "Contact" to learn more.

Hello lovely..

I'm Michele

The founder of Mindfully Michele Just Breathe—a comprehensive corporate wellness and retreat event service. By blending my extensive corporate experience with holistic wellness and breathwork practices, I bring a unique approach to creating impactful and memorable company events & retreats. I look forward to helping you bring your next big event to life with intention and care.

Why Somatic Breathwork?

Somatic Breathwork is a dynamic practice tailored to optimize your team's performance and cultivate a thriving work environment. In today's fast-paced world, stress and tension often hijack our bodies, leading to decreased productivity, low energy, and heightened stress levels among employees.

Somatic Breathwork offers a holistic solution by targeting the root cause—our nervous system. By gently guiding participants through breathwork exercises, this practice helps release accumulated tension, shifting the body out of fight or flight mode and into a state of calm and clarity. The result? Increased focus, elevated mood, and enhanced overall well-being.

Through a Somatic Breathwork Journey, your team will unlock a wealth of benefits, including heightened productivity, reduced stress, and improved mental clarity. Experience the transformative effects firsthand as your workforce embraces new patterns, behaviors, and beliefs, fostering a high-vibration work environment where success thrives.

Imagine Feeling

  • Clear and Focused

  • Calm and Peaceful

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety

  • Improved Mood

  • Increased Productivity

  • Better Sleep

  • Nervous System Regulation

How Does It Work?

Somatic Breathwork uses Music and specific Breathing techniques to access the Nervous System and release Emotions from the body. Each person's journey is completely different and depends on what their body is ready to release. Clients that experience Somatic Breathwork report feeling Clarity, Focus and Peace.

Open your heart and mind and trust the innate intelligence of your body.

Client Testimonials

Michele brings a solid, grounded peacefulness to her work. Michele knew how to nudge me deeper into surrender and release with the elegance of her voice. Her gentle presence held space for me to fall into the intricacies of my dreams so that I could dance with them for a spell. And afterwards, she witnessed everyone's experiences with an open heart, while effortlessly weaving a strong, yet ethereal connection between us. Michele definitely offers a safe harbor for anyone new to breathwork, and a stable shore for anyone returning to themselves. Much gratitude, Michele!

~Rebecca Ledger


Corporate Wellness Events

  • Corporate events are a great way to create connection and increase productivity in the workplace. People that experience somatic breathwork report feeling clearer, more focused and happy. Now offering In-Person and via Zoom.

Retreats & Private Events

  • Retreats are an incredible way to unwind and destress. I offer tailored Retreat services in the areas of Mindfulness, Mind Body Health and Breathwork. I offer Virtual, Domestic & International Events.

Speaking Engagements

  • As someone with a degree in Health Education I am passionate about discussing topics in the area of Mindset, Stress, Nervous System Regulation and Holistic Nutrition. Book me for your next Wellness Event!

Tailored Events

Each event is carefully curated to meet the client's specific needs. Custom services can range from adding in Mindful Exercises, Sound Baths, to incorporating Movement, Reiki, Meditation and so much more! Want a retreat by the beach? I'll bring the gong, silent disco and everything else needed! Maybe we want to do an intentional workshop that leaves each attendee feeling brand new, in this case we'll incorporate Reflective Exercises, Sound Bowls and other practices to take you deeper! Being in this unique space allows me to partner with passionate holistic health practitioners to take your workshop or retreat to the next level!

Book your next unforgettable Experience Now!

Have a Question?

Let's talk, Book a call!

Mindfully Michele

Mind Body Healing

Michele Shareef provides Health & Nutrition information and education. Our services are not medical or mental health advice. We do not diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical, mental, or emotional condition, and nothing in our content or services is intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical, mental, or emotional condition. Michele Shareef is providing services only in the capacity as a Health & Nutrition Coach not as a licensed medical, healthcare, or mental health professional. Nothing in our content or services is intended to be a substitute for consultation, diagnosis, treatment, or other medical or mental health advice from a licensed medical, healthcare, or mental health professional who can review and advise you on your specific situation. Anyone choosing to implement any information in our content or services should obtain prior clearance from a licensed medical, healthcare, or mental health professional to determine that the information is appropriate and useful for them. Do not disregard any medical or mental health advice, stop taking medications, stop any treatments, or delay seeking professional medical, healthcare, or mental health advice based on any information in our content or services. Coaching is in no way to be construed as psychological counseling, therapy, mental health, or medical advice. Working with us is not a guarantee of any results. Michele Shareef owns all copyrights to the materials presented here unless otherwise noted.

COPYRIGHT© 2021 MindfullyMichele