A Journey Within..
Somatic Breathwork is an immersive Sound Music & Breath Journey designed to help you release stress, anxiety and tension from the body so you can feel lighter, calmer, clearer and at peace.
Individual sessions are a fantastic way to process emotions and create new, empowering patterns and beliefs. If you have specific goals in mind, we can discuss them and customize the sessions just for you. Book your session now!
Michele Shareef provides Health & Nutrition information and education. Our services are not medical or mental health advice. We do not diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical, mental, or emotional condition, and nothing in our content or services is intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical, mental, or emotional condition. Michele Shareef is providing services only in the capacity as a Health & Nutrition Coach not as a licensed medical, healthcare, or mental health professional. Nothing in our content or services is intended to be a substitute for consultation, diagnosis, treatment, or other medical or mental health advice from a licensed medical, healthcare, or mental health professional who can review and advise you on your specific situation. Anyone choosing to implement any information in our content or services should obtain prior clearance from a licensed medical, healthcare, or mental health professional to determine that the information is appropriate and useful for them. Do not disregard any medical or mental health advice, stop taking medications, stop any treatments, or delay seeking professional medical, healthcare, or mental health advice based on any information in our content or services. Coaching is in no way to be construed as psychological counseling, therapy, mental health, or medical advice. Working with us is not a guarantee of any results. Michele Shareef owns all copyrights to the materials presented here unless otherwise noted.
COPYRIGHT© 2021 MindfullyMichele